After Bone Graft Procedure
For twenty-four (24) hours following surgery, DO NOT spit or rinse
For one week following surgery, DO NOT use a straw
Bite down firmly on the gauze provided for one hour and then remove. Slight oozing from the sockets may last one to two days. The blood clots will also tinge the saliva causing it to be reddish in color, especially the first 24 hours.
If excessive bleeding occurs, place a moistened gauze pad directly on the bleeding area and close the mouth firmly so that pressure is applied. Remove the gauze after approximately 40 minutes.
If there is still excessive bleeding contact the office at which the surgery was performed for further instructions.
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Our mission is to help patients live healthier lives. We provide a caring, nurturing environment where your comfort and health is of primary importance.Pain
Pain from surgical procedures in the mouth can be controlled by taking the medications as directed. Unless otherwise instructed begin the first dose immediately so that the pain medication can be in full effect before the local anesthetic wears off.
Eat something with substance, wait 10 to 15 minutes and then take the pain medicine. Some patients are able to use Ibuprofen-based products, such as Motrin and Advil, for pain relief instead of the prescribed medication or switch to these products as they heal and their pain levels are decreased.
Do not drive for one day after the surgery (if sedated) or as long as you are taking pain medication.
Ice Packs
Upon reaching home apply ice packs to the outside of the face 20 minutes on and 20 minutes off and continue for the next 24 hours. The height of swelling can be expected on the 2nd or 3rd day after surgery.
Oral Hygiene
Good oral hygiene is essential to good healing. You should brush your teeth on the day after surgery, being very careful not to brush the area of the extraction, with a soft toothbrush. No vigorous rinsing for one week after surgery, only rinse very gently to remove the toothpaste after brushing. DO NOT use water picks.
Soft foods that can be chewed and swallowed easily may be indicated for the first 24 hours. Nourishment should be taken regularly.
Try not to miss a single meal, beginning with soups and soft foods, gradually progressing to solid food. A nutritionally balanced diet is essential for well-being, gaining strength, feeling less pain, and more rapid healing. Most importantly, stay hydrated by drinking lots of water.
Do not smoke for four days after surgery. Smoking greatly delays healing and promotes a dry socket and infection.
If antibiotics are prescribed, finish the entire prescription even if all symptoms of an infection are gone.
The day of surgery, try to keep your head elevated above your feet while resting.
Although uncommon, vomiting may occur for a variety of reasons. If vomiting does occur, discontinue any pain medication and/or antibiotics prescribed by us and contact our office.
Sutures are often used in most procedures and they dissolve on their own, this occurs from the day after surgery or several days after surgery.
The cover placed over a socket bone graft normally dissolves out between two to five days. This is expected and normal. You may feel several granular particles in your mouth from the grafting material.